In case you still haven't caught up with the current rhythm, BACK TO MINE are albums compiled by artistes who choose the songs based on what they would play in their own home for friends after a clubbing night out.
Can you smell the stench of another devious music CD marketing ploy specially designed to milk out more bread from non-suspecting music extremists? Fortunately for them, there are still some out there who are dying to know what their favourite artiste would spin.

So when I was asked to list out my own BACK TO MINE album, it didnt take me too long to figure mine out. The simple rule is, just put together a personal collection of after-hour grooving song other than your own songs. Of course minus the devious marketing ploy. Mine compiled and designed just for my own personal kicks!
In case you are dying to know my personal collection, here's my BTM with cool grooves to make one feel sexy even if you are reeked with stale cigi smoke sweat straight from the clubs.
Come in. Chill out.

Care to tell me what's your BACK TO MINE?
A longest comment I've ever.... hahaha!
ReplyDeleteTo be honest, I've been just indifferent to all these "back to mine" compilations.
Those never hit me good...
I do not wanna listen to the series of songs compiled by the musicians(Just a bunch of amateurs--I guess--- in "selecting" music pieces... no matter how remarkably established they are, in composing & playing their own music).
I simply wanna listen to PSB or EBTG... their songs solely... not their "choice" of songs at large...
After all, I do not have to be chilled out by their choice of music...
Besides, as you mentioned... "Back To Mine" s seem to be one of The Diversionary "Ploy(tool)" in marketing scheme for promoting their own CD sales,,, Right???
It pisses me off.......... hahaha!
The bottom line is that I WILL CREATE MY OWN "CHILLOUT" compiled BY MY OWN WAY...
HOWEVER & So That....
When it comes to YOU and other so-called ordinary people... totally different story emerges.
I Looooove to know what's yours... how you pick up the songs??? and how you place the songs in a certain order. or tell me or lecture me if you have some conncepts in it.
Let me hear your chill out or let your chill-out soothe me well.
I like your Back to Mine...
Jody?? Grover???? Boz??? Sergio??
And TOOTS????
A mere coincidence???? All my favourite indeed........
You did hit me by every song in your groove collection!
I wish I could have this compilation album right a way.
Can you upload the file somewhere I can DL??
Good day, Mr. nice-tunes-compiled ....
Thank you for your interesting comments Tatsun San. The longest indeed. Obviously you are my biggest fan in the blog. I deeply appreciate it.
ReplyDeleteIts a thrill to know we share the same type of grooves. You did hit a right note too when it comes to the importance of the songs order. I for one am very particular about it when I put together the order of songs in, say, my iPod. For this BTM album, my order is based on a cool upbeat starter songs follow by an steady beat of sensuous emotion. And by the 7th song, the beat cools down to unwind the soul. The concept you asked, may be somewhat like a classical piece that comprise the movements of Allegro, Andante and Adagio. Hope my reply satisfies your curiosity.
I've followed the back to mine series closely in the past and I've actually compiled my own xD I actually went all out and did the album art for it one day. Here's what mine would sound like in case your still wondering after these few years.
Hey, I'm the poster of the last comment about my back to mine. I don't have an account on here as of now but just so you know, I can be reached at infinitologist@aol.com